Nebraska Marksmanship Association (NMA) Est. 2006
PLEASE NOTE: The NMA has begun transitioning its association and operations over to the Nebrabska Firearms Owners Association (NFOA). This transition will start May 2024 and will continue until completed in late 2024.
Nebraska's Official State Association - Recognized by the NRA and CMP.

The purpose of this organization shall be the encouragement of organized rifle, pistol, and shotgun shooting events within the State of Nebraska in support of nationally recognized shooting programs. The NMA is the primary point of contact within the State of Nebraska for the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP), and as such, is the official sanctioning body within the State of Nebraska for NRA and CMP shooting events. The NMA may also serve as the primary state point of contact for other similar National or state associations, as required.

NMA Board
President:.....................Glenn Ward
Vice President:............Thomas Mann
Secretary:.....................Bill Keil
Treasurer:....................Bill Keil
CMP/NRA Contact:.....Bill Keil
Political:.......................Contact the NFOA
Membership:................Bill Keil